We have three strategic directions:
To encourage and promote personal leadership competencies and development through:
- Mentoring relationships
- between Emerging Health Leaders and current health system leaders
- between Emerging Health Leaders and the next generation of health system leaders
- Educational events — promote learning/understanding of local and national health organizations and heath care institutions, relevant health policy issues and leadership competencies and values
- Creating knowledge exchange networks among members and other health system leaders in all facets of the health care industry including government, public, private and not-for-profit sector
To engage in strategic partnerships with:
- Canadian College of Health Service Executives — local chapters and national office
- Canadian Health Leadership Network
- National Health Sciences Students’ Association
- EHL members’ employers
- Health Service Administration training programs
- Other partners as relevant
To strengthen the EHL network by:
- Developing a curriculum which will be relevant to members
- Establishing strategic partnerships with key external health sector representatives
- Creating a strong membership base
- Developing an executive comprising dedicated and enthusiastic emerging health leaders
- Establishing sustainable funding